Dog Yog was created with a mission to optimise the health of dogs across Australia. Our products are made with all natural ingredients that are known for their health benefits, and we present these ingredients in fun and enticing ways for dogs.

Our journey started when our own furry friend, Uma, suffered from constant itchy skin and allergies. After almost a year of vet visits and recommended treatments, we learned about kefir, a fermented milk product. We couldn’t believe the change in Uma after only three months on kefir. She was a different dog!

We knew of so many other furry friends that had similar issues and decided to start making a cultured ice cream with goats milk kefir and 100% natural ingredients, just for dogs. Together with Uma as Head Taste Tester, Dog Yog was born!

We are now stocked throughout Victoria in a number of pet food shops, as well as cafes that love furry friends - check where!